HCC Committee Meeting

Ashby Rd Sports Club – 8 August 2018 – 7pm

Attendees: Phil Riley (PR)

Lesley March (LM)

Katrina Smith (KS)

Martin Stretton (MS)

Neil Smith (NS)

Dale Clarke (DS)

Nikki Aldridge (NA)

Apologies: Hayley Clarke (DC) Paul Morgan (PM) Robert Newitt (RN)

Minutes & Matters Arising

See polo section.

Opening / Chairman Statement

No statement was given and it was decided to remove from the next agenda.

Club Admin

KS was welcomed to the role of Secretary and those present were pleased that this role is again filled.  British Canoeing have been informed of the Club Secretary change and their records have been updated with new contact details.

Social media policy – KS had circulated some suggested wording for a social media policy.  This was discussed in detail and after a minor amendment it was agreed to adopt the wording.

Action: KS to send an electronic copy to NA to include in welcome packs and to RN to add to the Code of Conduct in the Club Documents on the web site.

There was some discussion whether there was a need for a member only Facebook page.  The Committee decided against this.

It was agreed that a statement should be added to the HCC trip attendance sign in sheet to the effect that if anyone objects to pictures being taken of them, they should inform the Trip Leader.  Then if any photos are posted with them they can be removed.

There is no point in having a tick box as the list has to be destroyed after the trip to comply with GDP legislation.

Action: KS to amend document.

Action: DC to advise Trip Leaders about including this in the Trip briefing.

Sea Cadets Shane had turned up at the end of a Thursday session (19 July) and spoke with LM to ask for a meeting and he would try and attend this meeting.

He explained that they are paying Stanton lakes £60 and HCC £40 but that they are not managing to break even. They do not appear to be very organised as they had not been in contact with Helen & Mick before the last session to confirm they were coming.  The Committee felt concerned that despite being invoiced no payment has been received.

Hayley has re invoiced.  It was suggested to try and find out if Helen & Mick had been paid.  It was thought that if the arrangement fell through, getting monied owed may be difficult.  The Committee felt payment should be made before agreeing the next session as the Sea Cadets had asked for the next date to be changed.

Action: PR to see Helen & Mick about Sea cadets.  Phil also agreed to email Claire to push for payment and to clarify that coaches are not provided by HCC and that whoever opens up may not be a qualified Coach.

Action:  KS to confirm with British Canoeing about insurance cover for Coaches when not coaching for the club.


£6529.15 in bank with £701 having been paid in.

£3k in the savings pot.

3* Assessment Coach paid.

Level 2 deposit paid

First aid course

BCU affiliation is due in October


Pool sessions pay for themselves


More Dynamo boats for small children – Discuss with Paul what he thinks about selling play boats to help finance this.

It was suggested that Polo boats should not be sold for the time being.

The fin mount and pin on the new sport SUP is damaged – It was suggested that a picture be taken and sent to RED to see if anything can be done.  It was suggested that the picture could be put up on face book to remind members about taking care and that this board could be used predominately by the coach on organised sessions?

Painters on the canoes seem to be showing signs of possibly being chewed by mice.  Maybe these should be removed when not in use?

Investigate with Paul about getting a price for a new set of container locks.

A set of keys to be given KS/NS


Touring trip 7th October D Clarke

Plan to try and do white Water Intro 22/23 Sept may be a possible date TBC.

Grade 2/3 Date TBC Dale & Mike

Scotland white water trip pencilled in last weekend in October (half term week)

Fraser running 3* scheme

Dale has updated the Leaders list

Discussion on the Leaders list.

All Leaders need to be current members.

Ratios limits to remain unchanged, however ratios outside club limits could be allowed if approved and recorded.

The club does have a shortage of qualified trip leaders and there was a lot of discussion on how the Committee might be able to consider members who are not qualified to to lead club trips.   There was a suggestion that a trip could be organised which was primarily lead by a non-qualified member and assisted by an independent qualified person who could provide feedback to the Committee to assist in helping make an informed decision on granting approval for someone to lead Club trips.  The same principle would be used for any discipline.

Club Development

It was suggested that next season the decking should be extended towards the seal launch, although there was concern about those who struggle to get out of boats are happier to get out in that small area

Discussed future dreams of a club house – maybe a mobile or timber construction building. (40’ x20’)

Development meeting to be organised after having some discussions with Mick & Helen.

The level 2 course was discussed and who will be attending.

Action:  Hayley to confirm on what is being facilitated with the Coach award.

Fraser had queried the number of people being supported by the Club for the level 2 Coach award in a message.  It was felt this was answered in full in the message.  It was stated there had been no further feedback.


Nothing to Report

Club Communications

Nothing to report


PR confirmed that all arrangements with Pingles have been transferred to the new Polo Club
Structural changes were made on the website but other references to Polo still need to be removed.

Action: PR to sort.

Alwyn had messaged to say that all 6 boats are now back at the container.

Action:  Polo boats to be counted up tomorrow.

PR sent a message during the meeting to ask about the remainder of the kit.  Alwyn responded that it was agreed at the meeting only the boats were required for payment and that the remaining kit could be kept.  It was noted that the meeting notes should be amended to reflect this.

Action: KS to amend.

Action: PR to chase for the return of the keys
LM advised that so far no one is responding to her emails regarding the £30 money.



Meeting closed at 10.09 pm

Next meeting 3rd September, 7pm @ Ashby Rd Sports Club