HCC Committee Meeting

Nemo’s Bar – Function Room, Stoney Cove, Stoney Stanton

7th October 2019 7pm


Paul Morgan (PM) 

Dale Clarke (DC)

Neil Smith (NS) Liz Owen (LO) Katrina Smith (KS)
Apologies: Robert Newitt (RN) Martin Stretton (MS) Lesley March (LM)

Apologies had been received from MS & LM 

Minutes & Matters Arising 

KS felt the notes needed a minor clarification regarding NS also being happy to lead moderate white-water trips with an assist.  Meeting notes approved with alteration.  Action:  KS to modify notes & send to RN for publication.

Club Admin

KS to message RN about updating the website with the August notes

KS advised that the function room was booked for the AGM.

It was agreed to order food, Tea & coffee after Christmas for the AGM.

It was agreed that all Lake bookings/events should be confirmed by email to ensure bookings are confirmed.

Not chased up Russ about equipment hire & other stuff

Pool session guide lines outstanding include reminder about having clean boats and booking equipment through the Equipment Officer

DC advised that he had checked and with the package we have it is not possible to have a reserve list on Bookwhen. 

Some discussion took place on how to manage pool cancellations to try and ensure fair usage.  It was agreed to give this more thought as it would not always be possible for DC to manage due to timing and work commitments.  

A quick review of Bookwhen usage was calculated to check if we are using the best plan as it is being used more so if it was upgraded the reserve list could be used.  The current plan covers 300 bookings so it is not worth upgrading at this time.

Action:  KS to catch up with outstanding actions


No LM 

At the last meeting LM advised of issues with reconciling payments.  DC advised its exactly the same process as was used for PayPal.

KS advised she has an invoice from Bookwhen. 

NS asked about online payments for money owed.

Dale owed £100 room hire for the First Aid course

£114 for certificates.

Dave Clarke is owed £40 for kit

Neil Dixon is owed £400 for the First Aid course,

Young Carers have been invoiced for lake hire for £60.  Action: LM to confirm if they have paid

Need to invoice Laura – Thinkhigher university of Warwick £360.  Action: PM to provide address and contact details so as KS can raise invoice

DC has £76 from last lake session. To discuss with LM.

PM has £30 from LM for certs but DC did them in the end.

NS has £14 from sale of SUP floats

KS advised that BC are able to invoice for certs but it may take longer for certs to go out as they won’t send them until payment is made.

It was suggested and agreed that next season we should have a flat fee for course to include certificate.  Prices to be agreed nearer the time.

Action:  PM to talk to LM and if necessary, visit the bank again to try and resolve online banking.


NS had emailed insurance while on holiday and was waiting for a reply

NS went to see Mick & Helen about the possibility of a cabin but they had no recollection of discussing it previously but would speak to the Agent with the Land Owner

Mick had a quote for electric which he didn’t want to pay at this time but there was a possibility that he might be willing to lay a cable to the existing electric box.  It was suggested that this be taken forward to the next formal meeting with Mick & Helen so that it is formally noted.

NS & LO had (separately) seen and spoken to Jai from the Swim Station about the weed problem.  It was agreed to keep in touch so that we could do something.  They had suffered some instances of swimmers itch this season.  It was felt that the Landlord should be trying to tackle this problem but that the Club was happy to help in any way they can.  Lots of effort had been put in, pulling some of it out but it was found that it grows back extremely quickly.  NS reported that Mick had been coming up with a plan to try and tackle the issue.

A working party will be set up to look at the boats to make repairs and establish if any needs to be purchased to get the boats back to good working order.

The purchase of the two dynamos discussed at the last meeting did no go ahead as one had already been sold and it was not worth travelling the distance for just one.


Trips booked for Oct, Nov, Dec

KS asked about Halloween.  NS will find out about availability plus a possible date, and if there would be any light issues if the Lime Kiln were used. It was agreed to avoid the actual Halloween date as most families would have other Halloween events to attend.

Intro to white water for 12th Oct water level at 8 needs to be 5 or lower leave decision until Thurs to decide if it can still go ahead.

19th Oct Great Haywood loop, 8 miles Neil Leading with limited numbers.

It was suggested to consider a new Leaders & Coaches page on Facebook and change the existing page to Volunteers.  It should be reviewed and updated every year so that it is current.  The current page is not really being used for what it was intended.

NS will run a trip on 16th Nov – Darley Dale to Matlock but numbers will be limited to 6 members.

Club Development

Young Carers group it was noted that Mark & Emily Summers were among the helpers.  The event was a great success. 15 Young Carers participated

The 16 hr First Aid course went well and there were 9 attendees

A grant of £500 has been awarded to HCC from Blaby Council for funding Coach training.  PM went to the presentation for the funding. There are 2 main conditions

1.  Commitment from Coaches for a year but club standard is 2 seasons.

2.  Meet with the Community Leader.

There was discussion about using the money to fund new Paddlesport Instructors particularly with a view for Instructors for helping with the Juniors.  Ben Hardy had asked about instructing so this was seen as an opportunity to support this as he had already assisted with Juniors on Club nights.  It was decided to take the unusual step of offering assistance with his FSRT.

FSRT – DC is still trying to find a new date but is finding it difficult to get a new date to suit all.  In order to move this, forward it was suggested if unable to get an agreed date it may be better to refund those who have paid and start afresh.  Action:  DC

People interested in doing Paddlesport Instructor need to have their FSRT.  Action:  DC to discuss with Jenna Saunders as this may affect any potential course dates.

The Pool Session risk assessment still needs to be reviewed.  Action:  MS & DC to discuss


136 members.   DOB is needed for BC portal registration and contact details for family members. It was agreed to reduce some of the demographic details on the membership form as they are not really required now. It was agreed to change the membership form to suit the British Canoeing format. Membership pack done just need to amend Bookwhen reference to course booking on website

It was agreed that HCC need to push forward with trying to get online membership for next season.  Action:  KS Enquire with RN if any further progress had been made and there had consider any cost implications.  It was agreed that this should be a key focus and would help save time on a club night.

There will be more discussions about removing admin from the container on Club nights to ease congestion for kitting up.  It was agreed to contact British Canoeing about how qualifications are updated so we know how accurate the report is that we can create from the BC website.  Action:  LO to make enquires with her contact David Rogers.

Club Communications

Nothing to report


  • Sign on sheet.  Feedback from initial sign on sheet was good but need to develop on for next season.  Wrist bands worked really well
  • Course booking, Pay a deposit system.
  • Managing Trial sessions for Kids & adults.  Sit on top boats?
  • BC Awards review – Have a Coaches meeting to discuss required standards for social paddling including juniors and trips. 
  • NS advised walkie talkies are with Phil Ryley who will pass them over.
  • NS has changed his coach registration to Kayak discipline only with BC.  PM will look to do the same.
  • LO investigating skittles as a Christmas activity in place of a meal.

Meeting Closed:  10.00 pm

Next meeting:   Mon 11th November 2019 at Nemo’s Bar – Function Room, Stoney Cove, Stoney Stanton