HCC Committee
John Spooner
- Chair committee meetings and AGM
- Plan the long term development of the club
- Oversee the work of the other committee members and help when needed
Neil Smith
Programme CoordinatorDuties
- Plan and coordinate The lake program, to suit all levels of paddlers
Zoe Walker
- Produce and manage club accounts and monitor finances, provide bank balance at each meeting
- Produce a monthly income and expenditure plan for the rolling year
- Keep receipts and records of all transactions
- Plan finances for site access fees, coaching, equipment etc
- Prepare end of year accounts
- Oversee funding applications
- Ring fence any money identified as part of a ‘saving plan’
- Monitor that the club bank account is the most appropriate on the market.
Simon Boyton
Junior Rep - Safeguarding OfficerDuties
- Safeguarding Officer
- Junior Rep
- Welfare Officer
Martin Walker
Membership SecretaryDuties
- Collect annual membership fees
- Ensure membership list is up to date and all forms are filed
- Record members qualifications
- Produce club demographic, how many males, females etc…
- Keep welcome pack up to date, issue to new members
- Respond to all enquires on membership email account
Penny Spooner
Club SecretaryDuties
- Ensure smooth running of all club administration
- Take minutes at meetings & produce & monitor ‘to do’ list
- Ensure all club documents are up to date on Google docs and for website (reviewed in January)
- Contact for club communications
- Respond to all enquires on secretary email account
- Book venue for committee meetings
- Ensure the BC insurance is maintained.
Andy Griffith
Communications Officer - Vice ChairmanDuties
- Update and maintain website, Google docs and Facebook
- Communicate any news and information to all members
Richard Oates
Equipment OfficerDuties
- Maintain equipment and storage facilities, with list of to do jobs
- Update records of club equipment
- Obtain quotes and purchase new equipment when needed
- Keep insurance of club equipment up to date
- Organise twice yearly working party including preseason kit check
- Prepare future site plans.
- Maintain main site risk assessment
Emma Sparks
Trip CoordinatorDuties
- Plan and coordinate the trips, to suit all levels of paddlers
Vice chairman
The Vice chair role is now a roaming role that will be shared amongst multiple committee members as and when needed.
Assist chairman where needed
Chair meetings in the chairman’s absence
General reps
Assist any committee members when needed
Take on roles when required
Organise club social events